Would you like to enhance the life of a child and your own in the process? Become a storyteller! You will be just as eager to tell stories to children as they will be to hear them.

What’s the process to become a Cherry Creek Storyteller?
  • Every storyteller must go through a 12-hour training, learn to tell exciting stories, how to find stories, and how to be comfortable with elementary school children in a classroom setting.
  • Every storyteller goes through a Colorado Bureau of Investigation background check.
  • You will then be assigned a mentor. You will observe your mentor telling to students. Then you will co-tell a story.
  • When you are comfortable to solo, you will receive a classroom assignment based on the preferred grade level and geographic location within the district

You’re in luck! We have a training series coming up soon!

There are four sessions in the training series that you need to attend.
The sessions are on Monday February 24;  Wednesday February 26;  Friday February 28  and Monday March 3.
All four sessions will be at the Koelbel Library (5955 S. Holly St., Centennial) from 12:30 pm  to 3:30 pm.
Cherry Creek Storytellers charges training participants $60.  This covers the costs of printing the manuals, the book of stories provided upon the conclusion of the training and a year’s dues as members of Cherry Creek Storytellers. If you are interested in attending the training sessions, please email president@cherrycreekstorytellers.com.